
Applicant Tracking System | Skillie

An AI-based Platform to optimize your Recruitment Process

why choose us

Unlock the Power of Talent Acquisition with AI-Driven ATS

Improve your Recruitment Process with Skillie's unique features

Applicant Tracking System
Applicant Tracking

Configurable recruitment pipeline and job boards integration

Email Automation

Configurable email templates and automate sending of Interview and rejection emails

AI Preselection

Automatic scoring via AI and extraction of interview insights

Career Site

Includes branding and publishing on your own domain

Success Story​

Postbank Implements Skillie To Manage Their Recruitment Process

Our succesful project with Postbank received several awards for HR digital project of 2023 with Postbank

Applicant Tracking

Recruitment software with workflow, notes and email automations which helps the recruitment to do their job faster and easier

Career Site With AI Tools To  Attract Talent

AI story buider, Interview assistant and CV builder which helps candidates to better their applications

To learn more take a look at this article

what people say

See what our customers and users say about us​

Boryana Moneva
Head Of The Recruitment And Talent Acquisition

I am proud to share that thanks to our joint work with Skillie, we can boast of a unique, interactive career site, through which we extremely efficiently automate the selection process and successfully engage candidates with various innovative digital solutions.

Rosalina Dimitrova
Head Of The Recruitment And Talent Acquisition

Skillie's recruitment platform is modern and efficient with many useful advantages, providing both flexible application options and combining tools that greatly facilitate the process and work of the Recruitment team.

Maria Angelkova
Head Of The Recruitment And Talent Acquisition

Thanks to Skillie, we can boast of an extremely functional career site, both for us and for the candidates. I am glad that through it we also manage to be an attractive employer for the GenZ generation.

Veselina Markova
Human Resources Manager

We chose Skillie because they are different and very creative in this flooded market of e-platforms. Skillie manages to deliver a consistently high standard of work within the agreed timeframes. The entire team demonstrated exceptional flexibility and, above all, responsiveness to our needs.

Desislava Gospodinova
Head Of Human Resources

The recruitment platform has an intuitive and user-friendly interface, offers a comprehensive set of functions to cover various HR activities, and streamlines processes. We highly value the profitability of the platform in relation to the value it provides.

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Recruitment Software That Helps You Hire Better & Faster
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